Big Dreams Bloom is an education program hosted by Central Florida Educator Emily Ann Blomquist. Offering an opportunity for elementary aged school girls K-5th grade to connect with other girls across the country…virtual gal pals and in studio workshops, summer camps, classes, and more! Big Dreams Bloom™ offers ‘herstory’ lessons through popular children’s literature focused on HERstory, we’ll explore the lives of influential women from artists to activists, explorers to engineers who followed their dreams and changed the world. Together, we’ll follow up with book club style discussions and complete science, art, and maker-style STEM projects as a learning extension. Science, Art, STEM, Reading Clubs, Discussions, bonding, and much more!
Every program session offers NEW materials, topics, subjects and activities! No two program sessions are the same. Register for as many sessions as you’d like. Your little girl will make new memories and learn new skills each time.