Providing family centered in-home physical therapy, telehealth and developmental consultations for your child. Services are structured around your family's needs and in the best environment for your child. Specializing in infant development, torticollis, plagiocephaly, walking patterns, foot development, and motor skills. A full gross motor physical therapy evaluation provided in the comfort of your home or your choice of location*. Recommendations will be provided regarding further services needed and a full individualized treatment plan will be developed. Therapy provided in your child's or baby's natural environment promotes learning where they will use their skills. Therapy sessions in the home or daycare allow a more realistic and practical approach to assess how your child and family function on a daily basis. This permits a more refined program to achieve results in less visits so your child can thrive!
My goal is to empower parents with the knowledge and tools to help their kids thrive in all developmental areas.