Advance Family Practice strives to excel. Our patients span the spectrum from young adults to grandparents. Building a long term, trusted relationship with you is our goal. Physicians are a father and son team. Dr. Ramesh Patel and Dr. Varesh Patel. They are able to address most of your health problems with their extensive experience. If there is an issue we are unable to manage we will coordinate your care through our network of local specialists.
We use advanced lipid panels to check for increased risk markers for heart disease and utilize other advanced labs to check for increased risk for certain cancers and to determine what medications would work best for a patient. We offer numerous vaccinations and conduct blood work in-house. We also offer allergy testing along with immunotherapy treatment if needed, all completed in the office. We have the ability to practice alternative medicine with focus on the musculoskeletal system offering joint and trigger point injections if deemed appropriate. We offer advanced botox treatments for chronic migraines.