Our Scars Farm Animal Tours give you the opportunity to enjoy a delightful ‘hands on’ experience that will linger in your heart and mind forever! In addition to a private tour of our facilities, imagine interacting personally with our animals and witnessing the wonderful benefits of working in harmony with the land! Our farm animals bask in our loving attention 24/7, and because of that abundance of affection, they are eager to share their inner happiness with you!!! Connecting with our animals is an experience that is perfect for all ages! Bring your family, friends and anyone else you care about! We can arrange both private and group tours!
Behind every bottle of honey is a story, the labor of thousands of bees, and devoted teams of beekeepers supporting them. Here at Scars Farm, we’d like to make that story your own, with our Beekeeping Experience – Take a tour through our bee yard, fully suited and equipped, and learn the process for yourself. You’ll pull frames of honey, and get a feel for the complex relationships that keep a hive running. You can even take the next step, and bottle your very own honey to take a piece of the adventure home!