The Maitland Public Library connects the community to a world of opportunities. Offering several FREE community programs for children! Request a STEM kit, join storytime, book clubs, cooking classes, yoga, meditation, homeschooling weekly meet-ups and so much more!
Reading Kits: Literacy Kits are designed for pre-readers, and focus on developing literacy skills through sharing concepts like words, rhymes, sounds, songs, and more. Early Literacy Kits were built on the 7 Days, 7 Ways to Read principles. These kits are available ONLY by placing a HOLD. Only adults can check out Early Literacy Kits. Please read the Early Literacy Kit policy here. We will email you when your Early Literacy Kit is available to be checked out. Early Literacy Kits were made possible by a grant from Altrusa Orlando-Winter Park.
S.T.E.M. Kits: Science—Technology—Engineering—Mathematics (S.T.E.M.) Kits are designed to give elementary school students access to books, DVDs, games, and other interactive materials to further their education on different topics. Each kit includes information and hands-on activities on a subject relating to the arts or sciences.