Christian values and principles are stressed as well as stories from the Bible. Children begin attending weekly Alleluia Chapel at age three. We feel blessed to be given the opportunity to begin a child’s life-long connection to the school environment and to a church family. At All Saints School, children learn through playful exploration facilitated by passionate, caring teachers. Our curriculum is child-centered with open classrooms that provide choice and autonomy. We value outdoor play both on our playground and in our Outdoor Classroom, which provide children opportunities for social and motor development as well as sensory exploration with sand, water, mud, bubbles, shaving cream and more! Our objective is for children to LOVE learning and the process of acquiring new information. We want children to see themselves as lifelong learners and to be passionate about asking questions and finding answers. Our teachers create a culture of inquiry by encouraging children to take risks, ask questions, and feel confident creating new ideas and objects.