Whether you are new to the exceptional needs community, or simply looking for an accepting and understanding environment, you are in the right place. At Collaborative Corner for Exceptional Children, we believe that any child with special needs is an exceptional child. It is our goal to assist you with any questions or challenges that you have throughout your journey.
Collaborative Corner offers a unique perspective to Education Consulting and Advocacy. Staying true to our mission, our goal is to work collaboratively with families, schools, medical professionals, and anyone involved with your child’s journey. Collaborative Corner’s educational consultant team does more than just sit in on meetings! We believe in a collaborative whole-family, whole-child approach, which is what sets us apart from other “advocates”. We are in your corner every step of the way. We will help you understand the IEP process from initial eligibility to post-secondary transition services and everything in between.
We can help families understand their child’s current education plan, support you through the eligibility process for an IEP or 504 plan, help families to initiate evaluations from their school district, review the need for additional services for their child, change/update the child’s accommodations and/or related services, as well as be in your corner during meetings with their schools. Our goal is to support you, so YOU can continue to advocate for your child every day beyond just the meeting. This unique approach to special education planning and advocacy assists our families in developing long-term and detailed education planning. We offer you a wealth of resources, supports, and advocacy—all in one place.
We believe that all exceptional children should have access to this collaborative approach to special education planning. If you are interested in speaking with us about your child’s education, please contact us for a free consultation. As a non-profit organization, all fees collected for educational services go directly back into the organization, in order to continue to provide free resources, supports, and referrals to families. We will be in your corner, always.