Career Camp is a program for students with disabilities (ages 14-21). Participants learn job-readiness skills, explore different career options, and gain self-advocacy tools to help them thrive in the workplace. Career Camp is a collaborative community partnership between business partners and Magnify, and camps are scheduled throughout the year, coinciding with school breaks. The camp is designed to help those we serve to gain the knowledge and tools they need to explore careers in the hospitality and healthcare industries. Through work-based learning, job readiness training, job exploration, and self-advocacy activities, participants will be able to develop important skills to transition into meaningful employment.
This 20-hour program offers exploration counseling and a work-based learning experience at the beautiful Loews Hotels and Resorts at Universal Orlando. Must be 14-21 years old and in school with an IEP or 504 plan. Private, charter, or homeschool students with disabilities without IEP may qualify. Students receive a $30 stipend per day with an extra $50 award when they complete the full 20 hours of the program. Camps are open to all eligible students regardless of county, provided you have transportation. Any student who receives more than $600 in a calendar year of stipends, incentives, gifts, etc., from Magnify must complete a 1099 form.