WEKIVA YOUTH CAMP is a residential nature camp for 3rd thru 8th Grade youngsters and promises an unforgettable experience enjoying nature, crafts, and the beauty of the natural world in a magical, pristine setting. Campers enjoy a unique outdoor living and learning experience, with close supervision. Campers participate in the following Programs & Activities throughout their stay at camp: Crafts, field sports, night rides, skit night, nature studies, swimming, evening programs, campfires, smores, and more! We also have programs for Senior & Junior Counselors (11th & 12th Graders & College age) & Counselors in Training (9th & 10th Graders),
Critter Camp is a mini-camp is held on Mini-camp July 11-13th; an experience for boys and girls that have completed the 1st or 2nd grade. The three-day / two-night program introduces future campers to Wekiva Youth Camp with age-appropriate sessions in Nature, Crafts & Swimming and allows them to join with older campers at the Flag Circle and meals in the Dining Hall. Critter Camp happens right in the middle of a week of regular camp.