Camp Wesley is an 8-week Summer Day Camp at First Church Orlando. This Camp is for children currently in Kindergarten – 5th grade. Check back in 2024 for a list of activities, field trips, and cost per week. We would love to have your child join us. We also have a mission camp: Mission Camp 345 is for kids currently in 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade. Throughout the week, the children will have the opportunity to volunteer various places around Orlando. They will learn what it means to serve, why we help others, and how this all points back to God. On our final day of the week, we will have a day full of fun! Space is limited for this Mission Camp. Please check back in early April 2024 for more information and registration.
Each year we host a week-long VBS for children PK 3 - 5th grade (just completed). Children from all over the community enjoy a fun week learning about God through song, dance, bible, games, and crafts. Each year is a different theme so stay tuned for more information.