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Karen Climer The Balloon Twister

Karen Climer The Balloon Twister

Balloons, Magic, and Comedy - Balloon twisting looks like magic and takes skill like juggling. You’ll laugh like you’re at a comedy show. In the end, you get to take the product home with you. I take the best of all types of entertainment and twist them into one fantastic performance. I Specialize In Kids – Many entertainers try to tell you they entertain ages 3-103. Do you really believe that toddlers enjoy the same thing as senior citizens? After you've watched the latest Disney movie for the umpteenth time with your child, you know that young children enjoy different things than adults. I specialize in entertaining children, ages 3-12. Do the adults have fun? Sure. But my focus is on your child.

I can make balloon flower bouquets, balloon animals, balloon caricatures of the people you are sending it to, or just about anything else you can imagine. Flower arrangements are popular with the entire bouquet, including the vase, made from balloons. Other deliveries have included a golf bag and golf clubs, an overflowing beer mug, and much more. Contact me to send something that makes a personal statement and a lasting impression.
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